Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First post! - how to wrap cables

This blog is called: Constantly Surrounded by Wires. In work and in play I'm always dealing with wires, cables, cords, etc. It's like I'm a caretaker of electrons.

Anyway, there's a way to take care of all these cables so that they stay organized and don't get all wonky. It's a skill I use... wait for it... constantly. And probably worth a share in my kickoff post. It's called "over-under" cable wrapping (wikipedia), and here's a video showing how to do it, with some sexy fretless bass background music:

Someday, I want to grow up to be as cool as that guy. Anyway, over-under does a few things:
  1. Makes your cables unwrap easily without tangles
  2. Keeps the individual wires inside the cable from getting all twisty (the technical term is "fuckedup")
  3. Helps you protend you're a professional "engineer"
  4. Gets you truckloads of hot chicks and/or hot guys (take your pick).
Side note: I never see people do this with computer cables, even IT professionals, which is a damn shame, because it's just as helpful for computer gear, and most of those cables are way overpriced anyway.

It takes some practice, but once it becomes natural for you, all of your cables will suddenly become way less of a pain in the ass. And that's how I can be constantly surrounded by wires and not want to constantly tear my hair out.